Etter 85 mil kjøretur fra Roma i morges og stopp i Pisa rundt kl.12. og Lunsj i Cinque Terre ca 16.00 så var det deilig å sjekke inn på hotellet i Cannes nå i kveld, ta en dusj og promedere ned til Boulevarden for en bedre middag med havbris. Nå blir det deilig med kystliv, etter mange dager med innenlandsklima.
After a 850 Km drive from Rome this morning, short stop in Pisa, then lunch in Cinque Terre around, it was great to check in at the hotell in Cannes, take a quick shower and then walk down to the Boulevard for a better dinner, supplemented with nice breeze from the ocean. It will be great now with the coast climate, having in mind that we have spent several days without seeing the Ocean.
After a 850 Km drive from Rome this morning, short stop in Pisa, then lunch in Cinque Terre around, it was great to check in at the hotell in Cannes, take a quick shower and then walk down to the Boulevard for a better dinner, supplemented with nice breeze from the ocean. It will be great now with the coast climate, having in mind that we have spent several days without seeing the Ocean.
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