søndag 16. september 2007

Noen visdomsord / Words of Wisdom

Noen visdomsord vi plukket opp på vår vei, som vi prøver å etterleve , men spesielt William sliter..... :-)
Some words of Wisdom we learned during our journey through Europe, words which we try to live after, but especially William has some trouble coping with them..... :-)

Here they are:

Once a man was asked, how he can stay so calm, although he has so many things to do. He answered: "When I stand, then I stand, when I walk than I walk, when I sit, than I sit, When I eat than I eat, when I speak then I speak...."
The listeneres interupted and said: "But we do the same thing, what else do you do ...? "
He responded:"When I stand, then I stand, when I walk than I walk, when I sit, than I sit, When I eat than I eat, when I speak then I speak...."
Again the people said. "But we do the same...! "
He replied: "No, you don't, as soon as you sit, you stand, as soon as you stand you walk, as soon as you walk you reached already the destination ....!"

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