tirsdag 26. august 2008

Oppsummering verdenstur / Summary world trip

to be updated / kommer snart

Tidlig start på alpinsesongen , samling på Juvass breen 22-24 August


lørdag 16. august 2008

Asker Alpin barmarksamling


fredag 15. august 2008

New job in IBM: Client Solutions Executive, Strategic Outsourcing

Client Solutions Executive : Strategic Outsourcing

This role has the responsibility for successfully selling and negotiating one-of-a-kind complex business relationships. They lead sales engagements, selling solutions to complex IT and business requirements. Part of their initial responsibility can include working with the opportunity identifier in the final stages of deal qualification. Once an opportunity is qualified, they are responsible for assembling the IBM sales engagement team, managing the team (which can involve hundreds of people) and economically managing the substantial engagement budget. They must also manage the customer relationship, participate in complex solutioning, establish beneficial pricing that is highly competitive and close the opportunity. In so doing, they must demonstrate a clear understanding of the customers business, organization, culture and the compelling reasons to act and manage the third party consultant relationship (if applicable).Strategic outsourcing engagements are characterized by a complex combination of technical, business, financial, and human resources issues related to the strategic and tactical direction of customers. Change (such as economic conditions, financial performance, global competition, business strategy, mergers, acquisitions, and growth) tends to be the driving factor in these engagements. These are normally large, complex and highly competitive sales situations that are often global in scope and engagement negotiations are conducted at the highest levels. This role must be an extraordinary team leader, an astute business person, exhibit exceptional business insight, show executive/boardroom presence and outstanding judgment. They must be creative enough to devise and articulate a unique and compelling value proposition (which typically leverages IBM and creates value), so that customer decision-makers clearly grasp the short and long-term business and financial value of a relationship with IBM.

Med vennlig hilsen / Kind Regards


Gjert Terje Gjersvik
Client Solutions Executive
Strategic Outsourcing (SO)
IBM Global Technology Service

International Business Machines A/S,


Dersom ikke annet fremkommer ovenfor: / Unless stated otherwise above:
International Business Machines A/S
Foretaksregisteret NO 931 482 580 MVA
Postboks 500, N-1411 Kolbotn, Norway

fredag 1. august 2008

Tilbake i jobb i IBM / Back in Business in IBM

April 2007 Kavalkade

Mars 2007 Kavalkade

Februar 2007 Kavalkade

Januar 2007 Kavalkade

Livet på og omkring Bistro Elviria Del Sol o Sole mio

Fotballtur til Camp Nou - FCBarcelona

Fotballtrening i Malaga

Williams Europabilder 2007

Celines europa bilder 2007

Marrakech 2007

Feria / Spansk karneval &festival Norskeskolen i Malaga

Skoletur i det Spanske fjellet i nærheten av skolen

Elviria Del Sol, bosted frem til jul,slik har vi det etter turistsesongen har lagt seg....

kilde: elviriadelsol.no

En dag på skolen i Spania


Kavalkade Europatur