fredag 21. september 2007

Then we look forward to a nice weekend with fantastic weather after an all night tunderstorm with non stop lightening

Then we can for the second time inform that we have had some major rain. This time an all night tunderstorm with non stop lightening and tons of water until 13.00 today when the sun arrived again. Now we are back on track with great weather ,26 degrees and the weather forecast says 28 degrees for tomorrow. Thank go.......
The summer is still here.............. So I guess we have had the 2nd of the 25 days of rain which happen to come here in Costa del Sol & Costa del Golf during a year.


1 kommentar:

TorAa sa...

Some rain and thunderstorm is only refreshing. LOL.

I guess you are sitting in the Sun without dreaming of a quick return to the North.

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