mandag 28. januar 2008


Monday 28h of January
Labadee, Haiti where we spent the day on the beach in great sunny warm weather and BBQ on the beach until suddenly the weather changed in the afternoon to a tropical small storm with much rain. Great dinner in the evening , casual , and 70’s Dancin in the streets (Deck 5 on the promenade).

Labadee (also Labadie) is a port located on the northern coast of Haiti. It is a private resort leased by Royal Caribbean International. Royal Caribbean International has contributed the largest proportion of tourist revenue to Haiti since 1986, employing 300 locals, allowing another 200 to sell their wares on the premises, and paying the Haitian government US$6 per tourist.[1]
The resort is completely tourist-oriented and safe as there is a personal security force. A controlled group of Haitian merchants are given sole rights to sell their merchandise and establish their businesses in the resort. Although sometimes described as an island in its own right in advertisements, it is actually contiguous with the island of Hispaniola. However, the site is fenced off from the surrounding area. The cruise ships anchor offshore and passengers are ferried to the resort.[2]
Attractions include a Haitian flea market, numerous beaches, watersports, as well as a waterpark, and the popular zip-line.[3]

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