tirsdag 15. april 2008

Royal Hamman Spa treatment

Yes, we did it................... we are now clean as ever before....

The Royal Treatment 80 minutes
This traditional treatment consists of a deep cleansing using the Moroccan black soap, followed by a complete body scrub, a traditional body wrap with the natural eucalyptus scented "Ghassoul", together with a traditional honey facial, and completed by a relaxing massage on the warm slab.


Health & Beauty InstituteOne&Only Royal Mirage pays tribute to Arabian architecture and hospitality on a truly regal scale. Nowhere is this more evident than at the Health & Beauty Institute. Housed within its towering domes, carved arches and intricate design is the Givenchy Spa, traditional Oriental Hammam, the Bastien Gonzalez Chiropody & Pedicure Centre, Zouari Hair Salon, and a state-of-the-art Fitness Centre. An oasis of relaxation and well being.

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